In the current situation, maximum penalties can be expected because the support is given to honest businesses, while the improper use of schemes is considered illegal. So, what exactly is business fragmentation according to tax authorities? Essentially, it is an attempt to divide a business by creating new individual entrepreneurships or private companies with limited liability when the company's turnover approaches the maximum threshold under the simplified taxation system. The goal is to remain under the simplified tax system, paying only 6% or 1% (for individual entrepreneurs). In such cases, we are talking about artificial business fragmentation with the aim of evading taxes.
As you can see, there are many ways to dishonestly fragment a business.
At the same time, the regulatory authorities are aware of the existence of such schemes, and the experience of tracking new fragmentation schemes is constantly growing.
However, there is also positive practice:
How their innocence was proved?
How their innocence was proved
How their innocence was prove
VAT - 17 463 755 rubles ($ 233 000), VAT penalties - 3 179 296,46 rubles ($ 42 400), and a fine - 51 501,30 rubles ($ 687);
Profit tax - 11 768 504 rubles ($ 157 000), profit tax penalties - 1 064 914,87 rubles ($ 14 200), and a fine - 273 375,80 rubles ($ 3 600);
Property tax - 1 932 031 rubles ($ 25 800), property tax penalties - 754 090,68 rubles ($ 10 000), and a fine - 94 310 rubles ($ 1 260).
Total: 36 581 779,11 rubles ($ 488 000).
Cases of successfully avoiding additional charges are possible, and entrepreneurs' frustration regarding tax authorities' claims is understandable. The fact is that the presumption of innocence does not apply here.
Once you come under scrutiny, you will have to explain the nature of financial flows and prove the absence of improper tax optimization.
In such situations, it is better to seek help from experts. You may be completely right, but it is knowledge of the details and subtle nuances that can turn the situation in your favour. A professional always knows whether there is a liability for specific actions and knows how to ensure compliance with the law.